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Empowering The Entire Supply Chain

The L.E.E Systems change the face of how the international shipping industry shares and manages information

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The Logistics Expert Engine is designed for logistics personnel, manufacturers and distributors shipping internationally.

Increase Productivity

​Automated processes eliminating
tedious /redundant work. Manage
information flow through entire
supply chain, drive out inefficiencies.

Single Access Point

Streamlines precise, industry related,
real-time information. The Shipping
Coach providing hands on
experience. Recommended
reputable service providers for end
to end solutions.

Turn Key Onboarding

Provide Interactive scenario
related information for real-time
training that promotes critical
thinking. Artificial intelligence
customizes the user’s experience.

Who are we
How it works

How it works



L.E.E Systems house industry specific information as a streamlined search engine applicable to the user’s need to resolve requests. The system reduces time spent on endless research and offers immediate access to relevant data. This leads to improved knowledge and informative decision making.

Customized Dashboard

L.E.E Systems support consistent opportunities for innovation. Your home dashboard will be customized to your needs. The AI Module gathers current information from the industry and applies it to real life challenges. The dashboard will alert you to industry changes based upon your pre-selected preferences.

Support Network

The Shipping Coach integrated into the L.E.E System, is a virtual industry Guru who brings real life experience, problem solving,wisdom and knowledge to the users on demand. It enhances the traditional ‘open door’ manager’s policy.

Real -Time Training

L.E.E Systems simultaneously train users as they are interacting by prompting questions and solutions to better
service the clients. Working with real solutions in a hands on manner; the user is better able to retain the information
and experience for use in the future. The training modules build the knowledge base and confidence of the user in a
shorter period of time than traditional training.

The Business Times

"L.E.E Systems put sexy boots on an unsexy industry"

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28 Valley Road
Montclair, NJ 07042

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